
Plans for my youtube channel

I got a comment on one of my videos over on youtube like, a month ago. Someone asked me what my plans were for the channel and it really got me thinking. I thought about it and then I realized that I have no idea what my plans are for the channel. As of late, the majority of my videos have been Linux related as well as touching on the subjects of security and privacy online – somewhat. This is the first time I’ve actually put forth effort into making videos and actually trying to be somewhat consistent. They’re not phenomenal by any means, but I have fun making them. Even though I haven’t posted a video in about two weeks now, but there will be more videos that’s for sure.

See I’ve only been making videos about linux for a few months, but I’ve wanted to make videos for youtube for a really long time. I just never knew what kind of videos to make. And not to mention that I was super self-conscious about recording, I still get like that sometimes, but not as bad as before. I gave a half ass attempt in the past when I was into sleight of hand magic and illusions, mostly with playing cards, and I tried doing that when I was younger – but when I grew out of magic and that whole art form, I obviously stopped making videos. Don’t get me wrong though, I still love all that magic has to offer, I just wanted to do something more. I wish I had some footage of some of those old videos that I used to make – they were not good whatsoever but it’d be fun to watch them.

I only started making videos about linux just this past summer of twenty-three and I’ve only been using linux as my main operating system since twenty-one, so only a couple of years. I started making the videos because A.) I needed some type of topic to get my ass started on making videos again and B.) It was something new that I was into, I had learned a good amount in the first 1.5 years that I had been using linux and not surprisingly, there is a big enough community surrounding all that is gnu/linux and all it has to offer that you can actually make videos about linux and people will probably watch.

But I Have A Problem

I like the process of shooting, editing and creating these videos more than I actually like linux itself and just like what happened with magic, the same thing is happening with linux. I absolutely love linux and the community behind it and I would be so bummed if I had never found out about it. It genuinely has been awesome, and I’ll forever continue to use linux like I have been – but I want to create more. You know? Have you ever had that feeling where you just want to do more? Well, that’s how I’m feeling. I don’t think I’m just going to abruptly stop making videos surrounding linux and tech – I just know that at some point in the future, it's gonna change.